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Everything posted by Maia

  1. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Thanks for letting us know Ser!
  2. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Plan for tonight: Wing 5 SH, RoS, Statues (kill or 1.5 hrs) Break (10 min) Wing 4 (kill or 50 minutes) Wing 1 with any additional time Special roles: SH: Mevic-Auramancer; Duke-pusher Cairn: Duke-kiter Deimos: Mevic-SB hand kiter
  3. Copperhead Squad Raid

    What we're working on this week: Cairn: positioning (I'll put the markers in the right place this week), having BS and chronos catch the agony MO: Dodge add explosions if protect isn't down. Deimos: Pride control KC: Impact Sigils. ALL DPS PLAYER MUST have one when we do this boss.
  4. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Raid summary: Maia only collected 1.21g in pity gold from her "I stepped in it" jar because no one stepped in it / (that's sad and happy at the same time lol). DPS Logs: https://dps.report/UsfG-20180314-220140_dei https://dps.report/7qNQ-20180314-221650_sloth https://dps.report/aVy1-20180314-223915_matt https://dps.report/QndL-20180314-225744_kc Dhuum https://dps.report/meP6-20180314-204306_dhuum https://dps.report/a5gz-20180314-205050_dhuum https://dps.report/oRqZ-20180314-210410_dhuum https://dps.report/xs0W-20180314-211622_dhuum https://dps.report/kxRh-20180314-212445_dhuum (This is our best run where we got to 35%) https://dps.report/z22t-20180314-213432_dhuum
  5. Copperhead Squad Raid

    What we're working on this week: Dhuum 1. Increase on boss dps 2. Everyone consistently being alive until 3rd suck Deimos 1. Don't step in the oil!
  6. Copperhead Squad Raid


    @temerity would you be willing to hand kite tonight if Mevic can't make it?
  7. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Thanks for letting us know!
  8. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Thanks for the feedback Naxia! I'm glad to hear it helped you. I hope everyone understands I'm not singling people out to be mean. I want to help people with mechanics that are hard for them so we can get those CMs done! I know we can do it If anyone else has more ideas along these lines, let me know! (We're going to try another on Wednesday.)
  9. Copperhead Squad Raid

    *squad announcement here*
  10. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Hey guys! Plan for tonight: Dhuum (1 hr) Goals: Make it to 3rd suck consistently, 70% health at 1st suck Greens: Maia (1), Khani (2), Naxia (3) Kiter: Vivid (scourge) Dps: Bring whatever you can hit 9k on boss dps with (see Monday post for current dps numbers). Suggestions: Mirage, Condi warrior, weaver. Try something new if you need to! Break (10 min) Deimos (kill or 30 min) "I stepped in it" jar- If you step in oil, you donate 1g towards NPC wing 5 gold trophies! Stepping in oils was a serious problem on Monday (we won't kill CM if we can't avoid oils). I'm upping the ante! Squad choice (50 minutes) Vote for Wing 2 or 3 ( KC, TC, Xera) Don't worry @Strangelove, I have a KC instance
  11. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Dhuum Summary Goal: To be on pace for a kill we need to get below 70% health by the first soul suck. That means each DPSer not doing greens needs to do around 9k on boss dps. I've posted links to our dps reports below. If you are below this benchmark, consider changing class or brushing up on your rotation. Some recommended classes for this fight are Mirage, Condi Warrior, and Weaver (in this order of difficulty). Holo can be good if we have enough condi classes to stack condis on the boss. With Vivid kiting on Scourage (and doing boon strip) no dpsers need to worry about that anymore https://dps.report/0hvd-20180312-230132_dhuum 81% at soul suck https://dps.report/xpyz-20180312-225450_dhuum 76% at soul suck If you have any suggestions, please post them below or on our next raid entry!
  12. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Hey guys! Looks like we are ready to roll for tonight! We're going to start with Wing 4 and then hit Wing 5. Please be on time (i.e., ready for an invite at 8:25) and bring your best dps for each boss. I know we've been starting late for various reasons, but we're putting a stop to that starting tonight
  13. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Thanks Ser! At this point I think we've got a full squad. I'll post if that changes.
  14. SH CM

    Good point. That should help.
  15. SH CM

    With our current configuration (3 healer+2 tanks/chronos+BS) we can only have 4 scourges. My impression is that not all our current dpsers have scourges so we'd have to shuffle around a bit.
  16. SH CM

    True. We haven't had much luck coordinating Necro portal in the past. But it's something we could try again.
  17. SH CM

    Yeah I saw that. Meh.
  18. SH CM

    This was posted recently by Nike. They basically abuse epi bounce, which means they have less mechanics to deal with. I'd like to try this which means we would need more dpsers to have geared and practiced Scourges.
  19. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Hey everyone, Sorry for not posting earlier. The storm was a little crazy here. I'm hoping we have enough to go tonight despite the storm. We'll decide what we want to tackle when we see who is available.
  20. Copperhead Squad Raid

    1. Trials continue. Hoping to find a Druid this week. 2. We will focus on Wing 5.
  21. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Oh no! Keep warm!
  22. Copperhead Squad Raid


    Thanks for letting me know Fred! I'm going to work on trying to find someone interested in a static spot this afternoon. I'll let you know as soon as possible what the status is.
  23. Copperhead Squad Raid

    Looking for Druid and DPS.
  24. Copperhead Squad Raid


    This week we need to go back to focusing on filling our roster. We have two spots to fill: Druid and DPS. Tonight we'll have Duke back on Druid and hopefully I can find someone who wants to trial on DPS (I don't have anyone as of right now, but I'm hoping that changes this afternoon.) Just a reminder, to evaluate the new people we need to see how they perform on the older content, so we'll need to hold off on going full out on Dhuum for awhile (hopefully not too long.) Tonight's plan: Wing 1 Wing 4 Break SH River of Souls Statues
  25. Pugs will be pugs

    I pugged Wing 4 with one Druid and one healing Necro today. We killed stuff, but our might and fury up time was literally trash.