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Fred T W

Cobra Commander
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Posts posted by Fred T W

  1. 3 hours ago, Mevic said:

    I ran EXTENSIVELY with pugs the last 2 days and breakbars are not an issue as long as everyone cc when they need to (as expected), just double cc pets is enough, wyvern/gazelle, moa/gazelle, do the job. I prefer wyvern/gazelle, they both do more breakbar damage than moa, and have more dps (best dps is wyvern), and wyvern cc can hit multiple times depending on hitbox size and rng.

    As for soulbeast I'd just go with a dps pet, otherwise is a big dps loss, try to make a wise use of shortbow #5 and maybe slot spike trape instead of other utility.

    My post was exclusively for Soulbeast; I should have made that more clear. The Iboga being the dps pet

  2. I'll try to run tests for dps, but I recommend using the Iboga for possibly 2 reasons: In case of emergency, leaving Beastmode allows you to use its F2 pull to help. Afterwards, swapping pets could be necessary for further breaks w/ a more major dps loss. The other reason as a possibility is you can inflict torment, which is a bit more rare of a condition, and could increase the dps of a class that relies on amount of conditions. The main factor is obviously breaks, given that they're in shorter supply. Hope this helps

  3. On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 11:55 AM, Mold said:

    I heard tell xera was a bit peculiar this week. What happened, besides Fred carrying?

    Noo I didn't carry anyone! My nature spirit just happened to pull up another 4 along with me haha

  4. Just trying to set up a guide with helpful information about collecting the gold fractal weapon skins

    • If you're going for the collection from a low number of weapons and buying everything - without continually running fractals, giving the chance of drops - the probability of an unacquired skin might favor the "random" mystic forge recipe. (I think Bone brought this up one time) The recipe is significantly cheaper than the "specific" one; https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gold_Fractal_weapons shows the required items. I don't have an estimate for this, but there are likely some out there.
    • Other than that, there are 2 different acquisition methods for specific gold fractal weapons:
      1. The mystic forge recipe, requiring a regular fractal weapon skin or crate + 10 golden fractal relics + 100 globs of ectoplasm + 50 stabilizing matrices
      2. From the BLING-9009 merchant for 10 golden fractal relics + 20 integrated fractal matrices

                             Pertaining to this, I've calculated the costs of the variable materials in terms of fractal currency and cash value - though there are other factors to consider.

    1. For reference, the current price of the globs of ectoplasm + stabilizing matrices would be ~50.6 gold to buy instantly. A fractal weapon crate can be bought from BUY-2046 PFR for 20 pristine fractal relics, or you can use any chests/weapon skins that you may already have.

    2. The 20 integrated fractal matrices come out to be 200 stabilizing matrices to purchase, currently amounting to ~69.7 gold to buy instantly. They would also require 300 fractal relics - equivalent to trading in 20 pristine fractal relics.

    Based on these calculations, I would generally recommend the mystic forge recipe to pursue the collection. Some of the "other factors" include availability to pristine fractal relics in comparison to regular fractal relics, which would affect this particular choice, previously acquired regular fractal weapon skins/crates from drops and achievements, which would further favor this choice, and previously acquired integrated fractal matrices from scale 100 challenge mode. The integrated fractal matrices from the daily 100 CM awards can tip the cost in favor of purchasing from BLING-9009, though there are other uses of them - stat cap and infinite potions, for example. This collection is one of the larger projects out there, but I don't think it's as intimidating as I was thinking, so hopefully this guide helps put it into perspective for anyone interested.


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