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  1. 1 point


    Dhuum time (cranking it up a notch) Hi guys, I've been thinking about Dhuum. This fight is hard. Very hard. It takes most groups lots of pulls to get it down the first time. I think we're not getting in enough practice. I want to get in 2-3 hours on it this week. I'm going to look into buying an instance for us to start with tonight. If anyone has time to clear up to Dhuum on their own today that would be great (I'll try to.) This week, I want to make some small changes. The main one is, I want to start calling gg only if we get to a catastrophic failure. The reason for this is I want us to see and practice more of the fight. That means we gg if Pyro dies or more than 3 people die (we won't be able to do the seals at 10% without people alive) To do that, we need to build more redundancy into the team. Also, I want to assign someone to call the suck mechanic and the shackles. Roles: Tank: Pyro (chrono) Greens: Naxia (off chrono), Khani (BS), Temerity (Condi Renegade or scourge) Green back up: Vivid (Weaver) Boon strip at suck: Strange (Condi renegade) Boon strip back up: Temerity (Condi Renegade or Scourge) Kiter: Maia (Druid) Kiter back up: Options: 1) Strange brings hammer 2) Temerity takes over on Scourge but that means Vivid has to run greens 3) On group Druid takes over-bad for heals 4) we gg if kiter dies Calling shackles: Abys (Weaver) Calling soul suck and placing symbol: On group Druid (If I don't find one, this is going to be Mevic) Back up soul suck symbol placer: Maia Helper for kiter to kill spiders: Strange (they are weak to Condi. If Temerity brings scourge and isn't currently up in the sky he could help with a shade instead.) The soul suck: I'm going to place a yellow X where everyone should stand for the first suck. To survive it, we'll need protection (stone spirit from on group Druid), Condi clear (both Druids will have traited healing spring and brown bear), healing (both Druids will go into CA right before the knock back and heal on the symbol), and the kiter will use the utility skill "guard" (reduces damage on allies 33%). However, this will only work if everyone is on the symbol, back to the wall at the knock back. For the second soul suck at 5:05 the Druids will move the X and it's everyone's responsibility to get to the new location. Everything else will be the same. I also wanted mention I'm confident we can do this. This past week we regularly got to the first soul suck, which is better than the weeks before. In last week's best run we got to 54%, and we're going to beat that this week Tonight I want to start with Dhuum for 1.5 hours (or until kill) and then move to the first part of Wing 5. We will take a break around 9:55.
  2. 1 point


    Hi all, Just found this videoguide on the Dhuum fight. It's specifically about tanking , but it has a lot of go information (and a funny name )
  3. 1 point
    Ser maybe you can sacrifice some of your bags by opening them in his presence!