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Showing most liked content on 03/13/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Oh gods I forgot I posted this, that video is so embarassing -.-
  2. 1 point


    Hey guys! Plan for tonight: Dhuum (1 hr) Goals: Make it to 3rd suck consistently, 70% health at 1st suck Greens: Maia (1), Khani (2), Naxia (3) Kiter: Vivid (scourge) Dps: Bring whatever you can hit 9k on boss dps with (see Monday post for current dps numbers). Suggestions: Mirage, Condi warrior, weaver. Try something new if you need to! Break (10 min) Deimos (kill or 30 min) "I stepped in it" jar- If you step in oil, you donate 1g towards NPC wing 5 gold trophies! Stepping in oils was a serious problem on Monday (we won't kill CM if we can't avoid oils). I'm upping the ante! Squad choice (50 minutes) Vote for Wing 2 or 3 ( KC, TC, Xera) Don't worry @Strangelove, I have a KC instance