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Showing most liked content since 09/19/16 in Events

  1. 1 point
    1. Trials continue. Hoping to find a Druid this week. 2. We will focus on Wing 5. 3. Reminder: Gear needs to be updated to new meta no more than 2 weeks after SC website is updated. I will post or send a mail when that happens. Please use your "15 minutes of practice" to resend golem benchmarks (also after SC updates, needs to be 85% of new benchmark numbers). Please don't play classes that aren't appropriately geared or that you haven't hit 85% on.
  2. 1 point
    Calling all 🐍! We're claiming the new guild hall: Windswept Haven! Come participate in mass killings of Awakened so we can bask in the glory of our new desert themed home. And yes, it has huge snake statues
  3. 1 point
    Calling all 🐍! Join us for fun in the Mad King's Labyrinth! We'll hang out and collect trick or treat bags! There might even be a surprise give away (not much of a surprise now though lol). Bring your staff ele, flamethrower camping engi, or lootbook guardian. Everyone welcome!
  4. 1 point
    Mold returns, roles shuffle, loot rains.
  5. 1 point
    Come have fun and kill stuff!
  6. 1 point
    Join us to witness the sacred in-game union of Kintari and Virq. Come for the romance, stay for the slaughter!