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Event Comments posted by Maia

  1. Dhuum analysis:

    Overall we are definitely improving. I admit that I was disapointed we didn't get a kill. However, a lot of things are starting to go right.

    The good stuff:

    • Kudos to Strange and Mevic for trying out new dps classes so we can increase our dps. If no one dies, we're no doing just enough to be on track to kill.
    • We're consistently making it further into the fight. We start to fall apart around third suck (as opposed to first suck two weeks ago).

    Stuff to work on

    • Out of our 12 runs last night 9 of them failed because of shenanigans on greens. The person either missed taking it or didn't collect enough orbs.
    • 2 runs failed because of Maia's bad kiting
    • 1 run was aborted because of low dps (caused by Naxia missing a big orb and us relocating to the other side of the room).

    So that's what we'll work on next week. Maia needs to up her kiting game and people running greens need to increase their reliability. We're going to go back to Maia kiting and Vivid on group so dps should no longer be a problem. 

    Let me know if you have any other thoughts!


  2. Tonight's plan:

    Dhuum workshop (kill or 1 hr)

    • Goals: Beat last week's 35% run, get to 70% health or lower by 1st suck
    • Same rules as last week: talk about deaths, ask questions if you don't understand a mechanic, dps will be called out after wipes, feedback encouraged (note: this is our last "workshop" session on Dhuum unless the squad decides we need more)
    • Greens: Maia (1), Khani (2), Naxia (3)
    • Kiter: Vivid (Scourge)
    • DPS: Bring your highest dps class! Remember, we need to hit 9k each!

    Break (10 min)

    Wing 1 (Gorseval and Sab)

    Wing 2 

    Wing 3 (KC and Xera)

  3. 45 minutes ago, Mevic said:

    I switched to maybe cause something came up, I will be at home but I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to raid. There is a 50/50 chance so if I don't show up in time it means I'm not coming, so you may want to find a sub beforehand just in case I can't make it.



    Thanks for letting us know!

  4. 1 hour ago, Naxia said:

    Hey Maia, 

    I really liked how you incorporated the "you fubar'd the mechanic, now you can call it out." Taking ownership of a mechanic is a great way to get to the next level ^_^

    Thanks for the feedback Naxia! I'm glad to hear it helped you. I hope everyone understands I'm not singling people out to be mean. I want to help people with mechanics that are hard for them so we can get those CMs done! I know we can do it :)

    If anyone else has more ideas along these lines, let me know! (We're going to try another on Wednesday.)

  5. Hey guys!

    Plan for tonight:

    Dhuum (1 hr)

    • Goals: Make it to 3rd suck consistently, 70% health at 1st suck
    • Greens: Maia (1), Khani (2), Naxia (3)
    • Kiter: Vivid (scourge)
    • Dps: Bring whatever you can hit 9k on boss dps with (see Monday post for current dps numbers). Suggestions: Mirage, Condi warrior, weaver. Try something new if you need to!

    Break (10 min)

    Deimos (kill or 30 min)

    • "I stepped in it" jar- If you step in oil, you donate 1g towards NPC wing 5 gold trophies!
    • Stepping in oils was a serious problem on Monday (we won't kill CM if we can't avoid oils). I'm upping the ante!

    Squad choice (50 minutes)

    • Vote for Wing 2 or 3 ( KC, TC, Xera)
    • Don't worry @Strangelove, I have a KC instance :)
    • Like 1

  6. Dhuum Summary

    Goal: To be on pace for a kill we need to get below 70% health by the first soul suck. That means each DPSer not doing greens needs to do around 9k on boss dps. 

    I've posted links to our dps reports below. If you are below this benchmark, consider changing class or brushing up on your rotation. Some recommended classes for this fight are Mirage, Condi Warrior, and Weaver (in this order of difficulty). Holo can be good if we have enough condi classes to stack condis on the boss. With Vivid kiting on Scourage (and doing boon strip) no dpsers need to worry about that anymore :) 

    https://dps.report/0hvd-20180312-230132_dhuum 81% at soul suck

    https://dps.report/xpyz-20180312-225450_dhuum 76% at soul suck

    If you have any suggestions, please post them below or on our next raid entry!

  7. Hey guys!

    Looks like we are ready to roll for tonight!

    We're going to start with Wing 4 and then hit Wing 5.

    Please be on time (i.e., ready for an invite at 8:25) and bring your best dps for each boss. I know we've been starting late for various reasons, but we're putting a stop to that starting tonight :)

    • Like 1

  8. 2 hours ago, Fred T W said:

    I think I'd be able to fill tonight.

    Thanks for letting me know Fred! I'm going to work on trying to find someone interested in a static spot this afternoon. I'll let you know as soon as possible what the status is. 

  9. This week we need to go back to focusing on filling our roster. We have two spots to fill: Druid and DPS. 

    Tonight we'll have Duke back on Druid and hopefully I can find someone who wants to trial on DPS (I don't have anyone as of right now, but I'm hoping that changes this afternoon.)

    Just a reminder, to evaluate the new people we need to see how they perform on the older content, so we'll need to hold off on going full out on Dhuum for awhile (hopefully not too long.)

    Tonight's plan:

    Wing 1

    Wing 4



    River of Souls


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  10. Dhuum time (cranking it up a notch)

    Hi guys, I've been thinking about Dhuum. This fight is hard. Very hard. It takes most groups lots of pulls to get it down the first time. I think we're not getting in enough practice. I want to get in 2-3 hours on it this week. I'm going to look into buying an instance for us to start with tonight. If anyone has time to clear up to Dhuum on their own today that would be great (I'll try to.)

    This week, I want to make some small changes. The main one is, I want to start calling gg only if we get to a catastrophic failure. The reason for this is I want us to see and practice more of the fight. That means we gg if Pyro dies or more than 3 people die (we won't be able to do the seals at 10% without people alive) To do that, we need to build more redundancy into the team. Also, I want to assign someone to call the suck mechanic and the shackles.


    • Tank: Pyro (chrono)
    • Greens: Naxia (off chrono), Khani (BS), Temerity (Condi Renegade or scourge)
    • Green back up: Vivid (Weaver)
    • Boon strip at suck: Strange (Condi renegade)
    • Boon strip back up: Temerity (Condi Renegade or Scourge)
    • Kiter: Maia (Druid)
    • Kiter back up: Options: 1) Strange brings hammer 2) Temerity takes over on Scourge but that means Vivid has to run greens 3) On group Druid takes over-bad for heals 4) we gg if kiter dies
    • Calling shackles: Abys (Weaver)
    • Calling soul suck and placing symbol: On group Druid (If I don't find one, this is going to be Mevic)
    • Back up soul suck symbol placer: Maia
    • Helper for kiter to kill spiders: Strange (they are weak to Condi. If Temerity brings scourge and isn't currently up in the sky he could help with a shade instead.)

    The soul suck: I'm going to place a yellow X where everyone should stand for the first suck. To survive it, we'll need protection (stone spirit from on group Druid), Condi clear (both Druids will have traited healing spring and brown bear), healing (both Druids will go into CA right before the knock back and heal on the symbol), and the kiter will use the utility skill "guard" (reduces damage on allies 33%). However, this will only work if everyone is on  the symbol, back to the wall at the knock back.

    For the second soul suck at 5:05 the Druids will move the X and it's everyone's responsibility to get to the new location. Everything else will be the same.

    I also wanted mention I'm confident we can do this. This past week we regularly got to the first soul suck, which is better than the weeks before. In last week's best run we got to 54%, and we're going to beat that this week :)

    Tonight I want to start with Dhuum for 1.5 hours (or until kill) and then move to the first part of Wing 5. We will take a break around 9:55.

    • Like 1

  11. 11 hours ago, spltscreen said:

    I can be available on the bench this Monday as needed. But, if you have coverage already, I will be at wallyball instead. Let me know!

    Hey @spltscreen. As of this moment we are one person down. However, I still have this afternoon to try and change that. I wouldn't want you to miss Wallyball because of us! I'm sure we'll be able to find someone for today, so don't feel like you have to miss it.

  12. It's Dhuum time again! 

    I want to mix it up a little bit tonight and only run 2 healers. That means we will need a dps person to run greens as one of the Druids will need to kite and the other will need to stay on the group. Here's the plan:

    Tank: Pyro

    Kiter: Guest Druid (The person I recruited for tonight says he has killed Dhuum and Dhuum CM)

    Druid on group: Maia

    DPS: Sub (Ser or Bone), Vivid, Mevic, Abys. Bring your best deeps!

    Mirage: Temerity

    Greens: Khani, Temerity, Naxia


    After we kill Dhuum (thinking positive) or 1.5 hours is up, we will break. Then we'll kill Xera and Wing 1.


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