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Everything posted by Mold

  1. Boomslang Raids

    Our names reveal an interesting pattern: M. M. S. S. T. T. K. K. (then, unfortunately, B. P. G.) We were so close to having MST3K.
  2. Weaver Sword Hybrid Build

    Thanks for posting this, Kintari! I'm going to nab a sword and try this out.
  3. Boomslang Raids

    We enter a new, post-balance-patch future. Presumably, we'll all be talking about how Chronos are no longer welcome in raids today.
  4. Balance gymnastics: November 2017 edition

    Group 1 1 dps warrior (w 2x banners) 1 harriers druid 1 chrono 1 dps 1 dps Group 2 1 soulbeast (w/ spotter instead of healing barbs? or is that too much of a nerf?) 1 healing Rev 1 chrono 1 dps 1 dps
  5. Boomslang Raids

    I don't think anyone reads these descriptions.
  6. Boomslang Raids


    Sounds good; let's start with CM, in that case.
  7. Boomslang Raids


    I'll be 30 minutes late tonight; work event right up until 8:30.
  8. Boomslang Raids


  9. Closing time at the Kilt

    Splendid. Giving The Kilt one last bath before the new housing development knocks it down.
  10. Boomslang Raids

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre; the snake cannot hear the snake handler
  11. Boomslang Raids


    If Maia is well enough to play, and strange is in, we have 10 to start. I propose hitting Deimos CM right away if so. We can move to other matters after 1 hour or so (and work Gavann in). If not Strange or Maia, we'll fuddle elsewhere. I hear this, as I presume it was intended, in Ser's voice.
  12. Boomslang Raids


    Kintari makes 9; we'll plan to raid without Ser tonight, at least to start. I'm expecting Gavann to round out the roster. Given that we need to poke Deimos CM for at least 3-4 pulls, we'll have to strategize about what to do in what order. My initial plan: Mon: Start w/ Wing 4; 4-5 Deimos CM pulls (w/ Gavann, although I'm open to discussion about this); wing 3 chaser. Wed: Deimos CM for as long as we can stand it. Recuperate with Wings 3 or 2 to end things.
  13. Boomslang Raids

    No snake is an island
  14. Saturday Night Live


    Try mixing that peach lambic with some whiskey!
  15. Boomslang Raids

    Rhythm is a dancer, or so I've been told. California's full of whiskey, women, and gold.
  16. Boomslang Raids


    A Saturday supplement sounds great to me! And I'm willing to start with CM, except that Gavann deserves time in the raid, and that needs to be a priority tonight. I think I've already committed us to CM'ing only in the second half. We can change that next week if we need to. CM thoughts: The main issues that got our runs CM on Monday were: Knockbacks; we had a lot of those last night overall; and about 1/3 of the runs were ended with those. Some were ping, some were technique, some both. Aegis strips after 50%; we may need to strategize more about this. And that's about it. We were on pace w/ dps; we had add control sorted. We were succeeding with almost all mechanics. Things will get harder with one fewer scourge in the group and lower dps from scourge due to the big nerf. But I think we're still going to be OK on those fronts. We'll have extra aegis from another Firebrand, so that will help a bit. Things we can improve: Having better ping! Dodging appropriately on the smash. Some folks were dodging to the side on occasion; don't do it unless you're ending your dodge at the front of his smash. At least a handful of KBs happened because of this mistake. Some of those were either kills or downs. A reminder: the smash behaves like an unfolding paper fan, not like an exploding water balloon. Faster recognition of the add split; our last few runs were better on this front Folks calling out if they have next break on Saul; we should do this to conserve resources & prevent teleports On a more experimental note, I was going to propose a couple of teaks to our strats: I during the 50% & 25% phases, I think I should be coordinating with Kintari to stack all of the blacks closely on the opposite side of the room from where he'll end up. Strange maybe should take over black kiting while the zerg is on the main platform. Unlike druid, he can stay still during smashes and position blacks more precisely. The druids can do more to keep the zerg up and support with adds/saul breaks. Chronos can drop wells on zerg and use shield in a pickle. Strange can even run to zerg to drop wells and use signet in between blacks: 5-8 seconds over & run back.
  17. Boomslang Raids


    Hey folks. We're going to start the raid by clearing some content--we'll start with Wing 2 or 3, depending on preference. And I'd like to get Gavann on board for that. Bone has volunteered to sit out for that part of the raid. I'd still like to get back to CM tonight, though. Ideally, that will be for the last 45 minutes or so....4-5 good pulls. Let me know if anyone has strenuous objections to dipping the toes back into Deimos CM.
  18. Boomslang Raids

    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold. Mere snake-iarchy is loosed upon the world.
  19. Boomslang Raids

    Remember to engage your core while gathering loot
  20. Boomslang Raids


    Thanks, Ser. Folks, I mentioned on Monday that I might be a bit late for the raid tonight. It looks like that will be the case. I'll be at least 15 minutes late and may be more like 30. I recommend you smash wing 2 to start; I'm counting on Maia and/or Bone to get things rolling. Myrwin and Gavaan (if he's there) are first in line for the remaining spots.
  21. Boomslang Raids

    I hope y'all don't vape
  22. Boomslang Raids

    Killin some monsters and things of that nature
  23. Boomslang Raids


    Let's let that stand. I've always felt we didn't really need prepositions anyway
  24. Boomslang Raids


    A heads up: We'll be raiding Temerity's friend Gavann (spelling?). He'll raid with us today and perhaps Wednesday. Given Twisted's absence, we may be fine #s wise on Monday, but it a couple of people may need to split a spot for the night to make room for him. We want to give him a week of action this week, and we can sort out a longer-term arrangement afterward. Gavann is new to GW2 raids--he's an exp. WoW raider--but has all the new elites unlocked and access to gear fairly quickly. He's an experienced WvW/PvP player, I believe.
  25. Good to know! Given that CC is lower on most new DPS specs, druids will need to do more breakbar work moving forward (chronos too).