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About this blog

Hi everyone!
As most of you know, I consume a lot of fan made GW2 content. We can be honest here-it's and obsession of mine, and I probably need professional help. Anyways, it occurred to me to start a blog where I could post the most interesting stuff I find in case anyone is interested and doesn't have time to look through everything themselves (aka they have a life). It also gives me a place to share gems like "How not to be a raid douchebag" without cluttering up our forums. I assume someone had to be talked down from asking me not to post crap like that (I'm guessing Bone or Ser).

That said: Welcome to Maia's GW2 Memo!

Entries in this blog


Never change reddit

Reddit quote of the day:


[Hype] Lead Singer

can't (raid) because of the player opinion on Necros

no, people not taking guardians is an issue with player opinion. people not taking necro is because they are actually bad.


To "Dye" For

I wanted to put this out there as a PSA for those of you who don't know yet. The new guaranteed item in the Black Lion chests is the Zaishen War Paint Kit. This kit contains 2-5 unidentified dyes. It's basically crashing the dye market. However it does mean you can pick up some pricey dies for relatively cheap. 
Here are some examples:
Abyss   Last week (sell/buy): 23.75/19.19  This week: 13.18/10.5
Celestial       Last week 60.92/48.01  This week: 32.96/25.2

I wouldn't be surprised if the prices went down even further because the chests just changed and they usually keep the same contents for 6-8 weeks. 
If you have extra gold sitting around you could fill out your unlocked dyes, which is awesome for those guaranteed wardrobe unlocks (you don't want to end up with a 20 silver dye from one of those if you can avoid it). You could even invest in the dye market. I'd caution you it would be a loooong term investment though because no doubts tons of people are doing exactly that.

Good luck, have fun, and don't spend all your gold!


Reddit makes me laugh

Another memorable set of comments from a Reddit thread where people are talking about being able to see Rata Sum from Dragon Stand. (Yes, some people are just noticing that. I assume they are new to the game or have challenged themselves to win the game only playing with their eyes closed.)


Don't the asura have any artillery they could've nuked mordy with?



Most likely, let me go ask.

Krewe Leader Plot says no.



i'm afraid that's not even the largest plot hole in HoT


Hi everyone! Thanks again for your help upgrading the guild hall! We're doing awesome and, because of everyone's generous donations, we are only limited by aetherium.

Guildies have been donating using one of three methods: depositing in the treasury, depositing in the guild bank, and direct mailing me mats/gold. No one has accused me of embezzling yet, but I though I'd clarify how I'm using everything. I like transparency, don't you?

When we finish an upgrade and start working on the next, I post in the MOTD any materials we need that have not been deposited in the treasury or guild bank. I move any materials deposited in the guild bank that are intended for upgrading the hall right away. I then wait until we have enough aetherium for the upgrade. If no one has donated the needed materials into the treasury by that time, I use the gold people have mailed me to buy or make the needed materials. This is common with stuff that doesn't drop (like superior runes of holding) or stuff that only scribes can make (paper mostly). 

I'm not going to name names, but I want the gold donators to know that they shouldn't feel like we will be held up if they don't donate materials too. I like to give other guild members who don't want to donate  gold but have mats they don't mind donating a chance to do so. The gold donations are our "fall back plan." Of course if you want to donate more, I won't stop you ;)

That's pretty much all I have to say. Feel free to leave any questions below. I hope everyone is happy with our progress.

Oh yeah, one more thing! We finally have all of the stat boosting claiming auras unlocked, so feel free to claim stuff in WvW without worrying about other guilds having "better" buffs. The only one we don't have now is magic find which won't make a difference for defense or offense.


See you in the Mists!

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