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Everything posted by Micaiah

  1. WvW Servers

    Since wvw has been active lately, some of us were thinking about getting more of us onto the same server possibly by group funding (or at least subsidizing) transfers to whatever server we might choose. We need to know who may be interested and transferring and what servers everyone is on at the moment. Anyone who would prefer everyone move to their server for any particular reason, this is the place to pitch your server as well. Once we've discussed some we will make some decisions and start figuring out who needs to move and how much money would need to be raised. thanks
  2. WvW Servers

    So it seems like the two option suggested so far are Tarnished Coast and Darkhaven. Tarnished Coast is a very high population server whereas Darkhaven is a medium population server. The cost of transferring to a very high population server would be 1800 gems (~500g). Transferring to a medium population server would cost 500 gems (150g) per person. This is definitely a difference worth taking into consideration. HoD is the same transfer cost and population as TC, so if no one is particularly attached to it I think we could probably rule that out.
  3. On top of the Aerodrome

    Found out today you could get on top the Aerodrome using a combination of quitout glitches and a void jump I took some pictures and I'm available to give tours to anyone interested
  4. Legendary Armor

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  5. Portal in the Aerodrome

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  6. More Roof

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  7. From Above

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  8. Over the Edge

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  9. Glass Ceiling

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  10. The Airship

    From the album On top of the Aerodrome

  11. There's been an alarmist tendency since the patch to claim that necro in raids is dead, but my personal testing suggests to me that this pronouncement is largely unfounded. Loss of necro dps is not as large as people seem to think. Pre-patch death magic build necro had a dps of 21,000 at the golem with realistic buffs. Golem testing obviously presents a lot of problems for necro, however, as it doesn't allow them as many minions (if testing with rise), doesn't take epi damage into account, doesn't factor in damage from condi transfer, and doesn't allow necros to benefit from their runes of thorns. Post-patch I tested a necro blood magic build with normal boons + alacrity (because assuming a dual chrono comp I would consider this a realistic boon). My testing gave me a pretty consistent reading of 19k dps even with my less-than-qt quality rotations. On top of this 19k we have to add the additional party damage gained from blood magic traits that add life siphon damage to allied attacks that the golem can't take into account, and which don't appear in the death magic build. The fact that this damage heals allies coupled with the utility that transfusion provides make the blood build fairly supporty as well. Certainly some fights are ill-suited to necro (and condi damage generally), such as KC, but this was the case before patch. Necros can no longer build up massive damage on fights like Sabetha's, but we've only been bringing a single necro for flak-kiting anyway, and necro is still the best class for that role imo. But in fights where necros have historically been good, they will likely continue to be so. VG, Slothy, and Matthias all still have plenty reason to bring a necro or two for decent ranged damage, party condi management, transfusion, and the party support gained from the blood magic line. In my professional opinion, rumors of the necro's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
  12. The State of the Necro

    The nerf to lich form apparently fucked up all jagged horrors summoned by any means, either intentionally or not. It also apparently prevents dying minions from leaving behind death novas which further hits dps. Fortunately, necros have had an alternative blood magic build that's been only slightly behind the death build excepting certain fights like sabetha where you could build up tons of minions over the course of the fight. The ultimate result is that, rather than killing necro, they've instead just decreased necro build variety. There's no longer a situation in any raid fights where necro can dps above other classes, though they can still be useful in many fights due to their utility. Specifically I would recommend VG 2 necros Gorse 0-1 Sabetha 1 Slothy 1-2 Bandit camp 1-2 Matthias 1-2 escort 2 KC 0 Xera 0
  13. Builds and Testing

  14. From the album Builds and Testing

    Realistic boons + alacrity and food