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About this blog

Hi everyone!
As most of you know, I consume a lot of fan made GW2 content. We can be honest here-it's and obsession of mine, and I probably need professional help. Anyways, it occurred to me to start a blog where I could post the most interesting stuff I find in case anyone is interested and doesn't have time to look through everything themselves (aka they have a life). It also gives me a place to share gems like "How not to be a raid douchebag" without cluttering up our forums. I assume someone had to be talked down from asking me not to post crap like that (I'm guessing Bone or Ser).

That said: Welcome to Maia's GW2 Memo!

Entries in this blog


Brief Hiatus

Hi all, 
You may have noticed already, but I'm taking a brief break from posting here and on YouTube.  I've been busy and exhausted from some real life stuff (long term health issues suck), and I'm going on vacation next week. Hopefully, I'll feel up to posting more when I get back. It's been a lot of fun for me, and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my random musings and watch my poorly edited videos. 

Thanks for reading and watching!


I'm so hyped over our victory last night!

I want to thank everyone for their tenacity and creativity in putting together our winning strat.  

As most of you know, I've been lusting after the Eye of Janthir mini for a while now, and here it is:



I've also uploaded my PoV to Youtube if anyone wants to relive our victory from another angle:


On to Samarog!


Advice I Appreciate

I appreciate it when our meta overlords make an accessible, easy to understand video. Recently, Nike posted a video that actually explains the build in detail. I found his slow motion explanation of the rotation especially useful. Hopefully, this will start a new trend.


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